Top 7 best-selling fresh Fruits in the Philippines


According to the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), since the start of COVID-19, the Philippines’ demand for imported fruits peaked as more Filipino consumers have incorporated the healthiest fruits into their diets.

In this article, we interviewed fruit vendors on what they see as the best-selling fresh fruits in the market. Here is the list of fruits that Filipinos love to buy, according to fruit vendors and food related business owners.


If there is one fruit that is always present at the kitchen table of Filipino households every day, it will be bananas. This fruit is among the few tropical fruits that are available all year. It outperforms all other fruits in terms of potassium and other essential nutrients. It is good for your heart and digestive system. You can choose from its 20 known varieties but the most common is the “lakatan”. This variety is sweet, custardy, and a bit tangy.


Mango is the Philippines’ national fruit, it is also the most popular fruit in the world. Whether it is still green or ripe, it contains a lot of vitamins that will protect and strengthen your body. It has many varieties, but the one found in Zambales province, the carabao variety called “dinamulag” remains distinct because of its sweetness. It was cited as the world’s sweetest variety by the Guinness Book of World Records in 1995 and the country’s sweetest variety by the Department of Agriculture in 2013.


Calamansi, also known as Philippine lime in other countries, is an indigenous fruit in the country.  Its extracted juice is a staple flavoring ingredient in many Filipino cuisines. It is used in condiments, dishes, and beverages. Like all citrus fruits, it is extremely rich in vitamin C which helps boost your immunity and fight viruses. 


Most Filipinos believed in the age-old saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” which is why the country is the largest importer of a fresh fuji variant from Japan.  It is a low-calorie snack but loaded with fiber and antioxidants. Eating them raw with the skin can lower the risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Mandarin Oranges

Aside from apples, mandarin is among the fruits that the country imports overseas. The demand for this fresh fruit peaks during the holiday season, as it symbolizes wealth and good fortune. It is smaller and sweeter than oranges and is considered a chief citrus species. It is a good source of vitamin C and it contains compounds that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.


Pineapple is not native to our country, but the world’s biggest plantations are found here, making us the worlds’ largest producers and exporters. It is low in calories but loaded with nutrients and antioxidants that fight inflammation and disease. Several varieties are available in the country, but the “Queen” or “Formosa” that grows abundantly in the Bicol region is the sweetest.


Papaya is also a common staple in Filipino cuisine, whether used raw in appetizers or served ripe and sweet as a dessert. Like, bananas, it is also available all year in the country. It helps boost the immune system and prevent high blood pressure and other heart diseases. The variety called “Sinta” remains to be a popular variety aside from the Cavite Special and the Solo variety.

Local or imported, no doubt that Filipinos love to eat fruits. Luckily, many local businesses offer an easy way to shop.

Introducing The Good Produce an online grocery platform that delivers fresh fruits within Metro Manila. What differentiates The Good Produce from other online food delivery services is that customer can choose their orders per piece via an online shopping video call experience. It can cater to same-day delivery orders and accept a wide range of payment methods such as over-the-counter bank payments, Online fund transfers via Interbank or the same bank, Gcash, Paymaya, and Credit Cards.

For fruit cravings, head over to: Just leave a message, their representative is waiting for you!


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