Terms & Conditions

Thegoodproduce.com provides high quality of produce products to its customers. All products packed, shipped and delivered undergo quality checking and in some instances direct picking of customers per piece in order to be sent to them directly. All orders received should be final and non replaceable and/or refundable upon receipt as we apply Quality Measures checking in place, and in instances that the customer himself chooses the per piece of produce product to be packed and delivered, the order is final and non-refundable.

All customers agrees that Thegoodproduce.com is not liable for low quality of visual ocular session experienced by the customer to choose their own per-piece produce product. All customers must have a high quality device and internet connection upon ordering to ensure their shopping experience is of good quality from the visual experience.

Thegoodproduce.com shall not liable for any issues on the per-piece produce product during picking and delivery as the customer should inspect the per-piece product thoroughly before finalizing their order. In the advent that the Delivery rider damages the produce-product, the customer and the delivery service company shall not hold thegoodproduce.com liable for the replacement cost of the goods ordered.

Customers requesting a call should give atleast up to four hours lead time to be given a call. All calls outside business hours will be processed the next business day in the morning of 9am. All order requests 4 hours before 7.30pm may be subject for a call back on the next business day. 

All orders should be given at least up to four hours lead time to be received by the customer. The four hours lead time shall start from once the customer has made payment and the retailer has confirmed the payment of the order. All payments will need to be verified before fulfilling. In order to verify orders, the customer must in any way possible provide a copy of their payment to within any platforms of TheGoodProduce.com and their order’s order transaction number.

TheGoodProuce will send an order confirmation before delivering the order. TheGoodProduce will not be able verify a customer’s payment if the customer does not provide their transaction’s order-transaction-number.